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Wings Over Wiggins - Dean Griffin Memorial Airport (KM24)

  • Dean Griffin Memorial Airport (KM24) Dean Griffin Memorial Airport Wiggins, MS 39577 US (map)

Dear Pilots,

Gateway Christian Academy in Wiggins, MS is holding its 2nd Annual Wings Over Wiggins Fly-In fundraiser on Saturday, April 23rd from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Last year was a big hit with pilots and the community alike! Hamburgers, hotdogs, and other items will be available to purchase starting at 10:30. We will again have the skydivers and static displays. Civil Air Patrol, Fire Department, and National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) will be on site and available for questions.

Thanks to the pilots and sponsors last year, we were able to meet our goal and install the new PA system in the school. Proceeds from this year’s fly-in will be used toward the cost of building our last classroom (approx. $10,000) We are out growing our current area and need this classroom to split our 1st and 2nd grades. Several pilots have offered to raffle a ride or free flight lesson in their aircraft to help raise money for the school. If you are interested in make a donation of this type, please contact me to discuss details.

Thank you in advance for your support and we hope to see you at “Wings Over Wiggins”!


Cathy Whitney
GCA Booster Club President, Pilot, Air Traffic Controller

Note, there is an inclement weather date of 4/30/2016.